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First off, Constellaition is pronounced exactly like the word “constellation” and you’ll see us occasionally abbreviate our name to “CAI.” Constellaition’s brand is a combination of a few key ideas:

✨ The starry iconography is intended to suggest “north star” consulting. We are champions of values-aware digital transformation, and this idea pervades the way we interact with our customers, our partners, and our employees.

♎ Constellations are stars connected together such that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Fundamentally, we aim to help our clients solve connected problems, and we use neat visual aids we call “Constellaitions” to help our customers visualize those problems and build a cross-functional case for transformation.

🤖 For those who may not have noticed, Constellaition is technically spelled incorrectly. There’s an extra “AI” in there to denote that as a firm we will be technology-forward and looks to incorporate AI/ML heavily into our solutions.

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